do you have a plan for your life?

Someone once said that the best way to predict your future is to create it! But how can you create your future without a plan and how can you create a plan without taking the time to define what you want, when you it and how you plan to go about getting it? Whether you are a young person starting out transitioning into college or the workforce or a more seasoned person changing careers, starting over after a divorce or some other life altering change you need a plan if you are going to succeed today! A plan that helps you not only defines what you want but makes certain you have the right beliefs, goals, thoughts, words and actions to support your getting it!
I want to help you discover, plan, and live the next best chapter of your life by giving you a FREE Download of my Book & Audio Book that’s will help you develop very own LYFE Plan!



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about the

is a nationally known author, success coach, inspirational speaker, and serial entrepreneur that has spent his career teaching others how to accelerate their success by learning how to do what they Love and Love what they do. Mr. Pope’s vast business ownership experience spans over 35 years, includes a few dozen companies in 11 different industries, ranging from entertainment, banking and finance, and technology to real estate, business consulting, and network marketing. He is currently the President and Co-Founder of The Affiliation Group, an international, multi-dimensional parent company to over a dozen corporate brands and C-level partnerships.
He accredits most of his business acumen and success to the 25+ plus businesses that didn’t work, even more so then the few that helped him make millions of dollars. His early business success, starting at the age of 15, led to mentoring relationships with several multi-millionaires and a mentor/business relationship with a multi-billionaire.
His notable client list and partnerships range from multi-billionaire business tycoons to entertainers such as Steve Harvey, Terry Cruise, Lil Wayne, and Celine Dion to name a few and includes large organization such as the Grammy’s, the Stella Awards, NBA Cares, and a multitude of Non-Profits.
This belief led him to:
Co-author The Affiliation True Wealth 101 Success System, a Wealth Education System designed to create, maintain, grow, protect and pass on wealth.
Found Lyfe Re-Engineered a Life Essentials products and services company designed to create the Quickest, most efficient way to establish financial freedom.
Author the book “The 7 Truths of Life” a personal development and Life Plan building course.
Mr. Pope’s business experience and mentor/mentee relationships have taught him many valuable lessons that he now shares with those that he mentors, consults, and speaks to through his seminars and pod casts. He currently resides in Atlanta, GA. with his wife and three daughters.
Senghor Pope